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He said staff biologists had confirmed that the 'creature' was actually a colony of worms. The colonies attach themselves to roots that gradually work themselves into weak points in the pipes. 'They seem to respond to the light from the camera,' he said. 'That light is pretty hot.' He said the phenomena had been seen before, but it was very rare. While Mr Buchan could not say what species of worms they are, other experts claim they are clumps of annelid worms, which normally live in soil and sediment at the bottom and edges of polluted streams. The video shows that the worms have entered a pipeline somewhere and in the absence of soil they are coiling around each other. Now the biggest mystery is how the video ended up on YouTube. Malphrus Construction has no idea, and neither does the City of Raleigh. The video has since been removed by its owner, regular YouTube user elyhim.