Verbal Escape Attempt
Hinzugefügt 2010-01-06This was clear to me just after 5 seconds watching this. How else he might have slided into that odd situation? (mehr)
Wrong Hole Song
Hinzugefügt 2010-01-06Good disguised embarrassements. Very nice and almost in one league with Jenna Haze Porn Musical :) (mehr)
Pothole in Russia
Hinzugefügt 2010-01-06Finally a road worth calling a pseudo Jeep your own. Taken the dimensions you have to take care, that there are no children playing in it. (mehr)
We Love Russia
Hinzugefügt 2010-01-06Mit Sicherheit kann ich es nicht sagen, aber die meisten Videos sind wohl tatsächlich russicher Herkunft. :-) Thx Rammstein4589 (mehr)
Freaks On The Freeway
Hinzugefügt 2010-01-06...regardless of the consequences (mehr)
Cycle Missile
Hinzugefügt 2010-01-06Obviously the two blokes on the motor bike were watched by the cyclist while they nicked a woman's bag. As they were escaping towards the cyclist, he totally cool get's o... (mehr)