Friday-Flash-Game: Keyboard Mayhem
Punch the bloke out of his advance with your key attack. The faster you enter the given words, the better. What about your performance in hard mode?
Friday-Flash-Game: Zombieracing
Show who is the master of the undead!
Friday Flash-Game: Asleep Walking
So ungefähr sieht freitags der Arbeitsweg aus. STEUERUNG: Linke Maustaste
Friday Flash Game: Pixel Purge
Entertaining Pixel Shooter with a certain addictivity. Control: Mouse, Keyboard *WASD* Thx CrazyHuaba
Flashgame zum Sonntag: Gravity Duck
Ausgestattet mit der Fähigkeit, die Schwerkraft umzukehren, müsst ihr alle goldenen Eier besorgen. Steuerung: Pfeiltasten, X-Taste
The Blue Beanie
Neat little Point and Click Adventure. Samorost says hello!
Alice Is Dead - Chapter 1
What happened here? Bring light into the dark and solve the murder of Alice in wonderland. Nice Point and Click Adventure.
Friday-Flash-Game: Screw The Nut
Help the mother of screws! Pay attention to timing, momentum and several objects to reach the goal. CONTROL: Mouse
Friday-Flash-Game: Soccer Balls
With this kind of Soccer Worms you here have to mob the referee. Just collect as many red cards as possible. CONTROL: mouse
Crush The Castle Two Players Pack
Yes, the Sunday puts forward with a meaningful challenge. :-) Thx HOST
Das Spiel zum Ostersonntag: Utopian Mining
Mit eurem Bergbauroboter müsst ihr Bodenschätze an die Oberfläche beförden. Es winken Upgrades und ihr könnt ganz nebenbei die in Wanken geratene Zivilisation retten. Auf...