Reporterin vs Katze
2007-03-15Man sollte sich halt nicht um jeden Preis mit Katzen vor die Kamera stellen. Schon gar nicht, wenn es sich um einen Bruder von Pinkey the cat handelt.
Spider trick
2007-03-13If you have an arachnophobic girlfriend just take a littel dog and put it into this costume. She will never forget.
Parrot is learning foreign languages
2007-03-12Bei diesem Strandmodell wurde die Anlaufstrecke um ein paar Meter erweitert, was zum Teil extrem lange Flugphasen hervorruft. Das alles scheint einen riesen Spaß zu mach...
Seagull catcher from Mallorca
2007-03-11The seagull flies a bit strange and too straight. Maybe he had a little worm or something. :)
Horny turte
2007-03-09Dont't leave your horny turtles alone in the kitchen - or your next meal made with the wok could be a little more .. spicy.
Ape vs tiger
2007-03-05There's always some beatboxers who know how to make a point. Here are more clips concerning beatboxing.
Good dog
2007-03-01This is what the master likes.
Drunk squirrel
2007-03-01This is what I call flic flac.
Dogfood tester
2007-02-24Why this spot never was on TV - I don't have to explain.