2009-08-26Just a bit steeper and you may call it a jump jet with popeller drive.
Speedboat In A Bend
2009-08-23Centrifugal force? What was this about?
Titl Up A Truck - FAIL
2009-08-21Completely wrong approach! That's the way to go
For The Traffic Jam : The IGun
2009-08-19For the civilized meltdown at the daily rush hour there is now an appropriate app for your iPhone.
Go For A Spin With The Speed Boat
2009-08-19With such a take off the driver has to take care not to get unconscious. Blimey!
Rubber Raft Poser
2009-08-19Boat Cross fail with wicked subsequent circular mental spin dance.
Don't Text And Drive
2009-08-19In the England they are not prissy in their campaigns for safer traffic. First it was Cannabis, now mobile text messaging.
Traffic Junction In Japan
2009-08-18Now it becomes clear, why these guys need train jammers. Too many people on one single piece of earth.
Badespaß am Baggersee
2009-08-16Macht bestimmt richtig Laune. Leider werden die wenigsten gerade zufällig mit ihrem Baukran zum See fahren.