Rallye extreme
There's always some beatboxers who know how to make a point. Here are more clips concerning beatboxing.
But the fight isn't over. Propably he didn't even notice that he has been knocked out.
Woman and driver
What was again the clutch and what was the brake?
New stuff from Borat - Baywatch
So either you love him or you hate him. For those who like him here is the Borat special edition.
Some loving mothers are into shock treatment now to get their kids off that Britney brainwash.
Freestyle compilation
Somehow, this looks easy.
Dolphin therapy
Finally we know why some people are crazy about dolphin therapies. Ans once more only the women are screaming!
Nach diesem Video muss man ja um die Kinder beider Mütter angst haben.
Können die sich nie vertragen?
Und wenn es nur der Schlafplatz ist. Das Streiten scheint diesen Tierarten in den Genen zu liegen. :)
Gay dog?
What is this dog doing?
Newspaper and picture 2.0
Nice feature! Is this already available for private use? ;-)
Robbie Williams Stagedivehelper
Robbie Williams doesn't have friends only. But seriously, this is getting too far.