Finanzblase anschaulich erklärt
Verständlicher kann man dieses Thema nicht an den Mann bringen. ;) Thx Squeeesh
Dramatic Pron Fail
A hilarious scene playing in a Swiss bus. She: "You are not serious, are you?", the camera man: "What is the problem?", she then: "It smells!"
The Ultimate Machine
Shannon was a ingenious crazy and apparently funny man.
Welcome to the Dark Side
Evil celebrates its first victories.
Gentleman im Interview
Healthy Food and Educational Television
The valley floor of the German Television was reached with this video. 'Meat and Bread don't contain sugar, therefore they don't make fat!" Thx Bebraham, hupe
Mirtal Kombat - Guitar Version
Ewan Dobson with his interpretation of the Mortal Kombat theme.
Acid auf Rädern
Tschüss Bushido, jetzt kommt ist Generation ans Mikrofon!
Michael Buble and Sam
Bei einem Konzert in ausverkaufter Halle drängelt sich eine Frau vor die Bühne und hat jemanden anzukündigen...
Fail at the Morning Walk
First happens this and then you have to bear the mourn of the whole crew. Thanks a lot.
Monday Morning At The Bus Stop
Take his drive licence, leash him naked to the bus stop sign on every single rainy day and drive rounds by with a bus convoy. A big compliment also to the town architect ...
Repost: Feuerwehr löscht Marihuanabrand
Auf vielfachen Wunsch, hier der Repost: Zumindest einer der Feuerwehrmänner erlitt eine schwere Rauchvergiftung. Wahrscheinlich die Schönste seines Lebens. :-)