Laut gedacht
Ein Problem, daß ganz offensichtlich aus dem Ruder läuft, insbesondere das Verschieben von Autos nimmt ungeahnte Formen an.
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Stop filming hochcunt you fucking idiot!
Doppelte Kilometerpauschale
Und wenn dann mal wieder ein LKW-Fahrer fährt, dann ist es denen auch wieder nicht recht.
kein Querformat
Footage recorded on Tuesday morning shows a Greg's Couriers HGV driving down the busy motorway near Luton with a white Volkswagen VW attached to its bonnet. A man recording the video can be seen desperately waving at the lorry driver repeatedly yelling at him: 'F*****g stop!' But the driver, aged 50, initially seems unaware of the unfolding incident until he pulls up next to the man recording. The man shouts: 'Stop you f*****g idiot!', as he points towards the front of his truck.The HGV driver is then seen pulling over into the hard shoulder. Transport Manager for Greg's Couriers, Greg Krysztofowiciz, 42, told Mail Online: 'I was shocked when I saw the video, but so many people are blaming my driver when it was not his fault.'The driver of the Volkswagen pulled in too close to the lorry when he tried to overtake him, my driver did not see him, and he swears to God he did not feel the car.' Mr Krysztofowiciz said his driver had the radio on and only realised something was wrong when people started waving at him and that he immediately pulled over. He said the driver of the Volkswagen was a young man aged 24 or 25. He added: 'Police came and performed drug and alcohol tests on my driver but he was cleared and allowed to continue on his journey as the truck was not majorly damaged.
Ein Glück! Ich hatte schon Angst der Truck sei beschädigt.
Der Mangel an LKW Fahrern wird sichtbar. Kostbare Verladefläche wird jetzt nach vorne auf die Straße ausgeweitet.
Ein Jäger aus Jagstzell
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