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Seltsame Geräusche
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Seltsame Geräusche

Ich bin neulich auf eine Serie von Videos gestoßen, die mittlerweile ein gewisse...

Letzter Kommentar: 23.01.2012

Hi, I have a question. Why does referencing other videos (which clearly have been faked) make this one fake. I mean, you have to ask yourself, am I ruling out the possibility that it could be real just because the thought of it is too scary to even allow myself consider it being real? Or is there really some evidence (due to computational audio/video analysis) that would suggest that this is fake? I mean, there are videos that are just fakes, but there are a lot of attention grabbing idiots out there. I am not saying this is real or fake (as I haven't analysed it too deeply) but I think we shouldn't be too quick to judge. PS: I do speak German, I just find it easier to express myself in English

Beardymans Komikertalent
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Beardymans Komikertalent

Beardyman ist ganz klar ein Freak mit Talent. Eine seiner skurrilen, lustigen Se...

Letzter Kommentar: 18.09.2011

es ist viral marketing (and it is working) Randoms sind ein "random" mix von gummibaerchen. Gut gemachte Werbung


It's a collection of Uzzy's "greatest hits" :) see: VIDEO: Dancing boxer Usman 'Uzzy' Ahmed is a knock-out hit online -

Funny Stagepoint Detection
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Funny Stagepoint Detection

So findet man den witzigsten Punkt auf der Bühne.

Letzter Kommentar: 31.01.2011
The Sistine Chapel Of Crystals
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The Sistine Chapel Of Crystals

Dieses Weltwunder der Natur befindet sich in Mexiko. Die Kristalle sind bis zu 1...

Letzter Kommentar: 27.05.2010

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Chilloutzone, Happy Birthday to you.

Dramatic Pron Fail
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Dramatic Pron Fail

Däs isch jetzt aba ned euren Ernscht? - Viele Grüße aus der Schweiz. :-)

Letzter Kommentar: 27.05.2010

Anschliessen? Ich? Natuerlich :)

Gechillt antanzen
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Gechillt antanzen

Sieht wirklich locker-flockig aus. Aber leider nur Platz 2 hinter der Daft Punke...

Letzter Kommentar: 19.05.2010

Max Respect to the Dude

Avatar Trailer
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Avatar Trailer

Wird sicher ein klasse Filmchen!

Letzter Kommentar: 20.12.2009

Actually, it is not what you think... It is one of the deepest films I have ever seen. I thought it was shallow too (after seeing the somehwat shallow trailer), but it actually has real depth: mentally, phylosophically and spiritually.


Just went to see it in 3D. Probably the most visually amazing film ever made. I can't speak highly enough of it, it will almost literally suck you into its story. The trailer does not do it justice.


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