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  • Rioting Fan Gets What He Deserves

    4 von 5 Sternen (4.42)
    Funny Video : Rioting Fan Gets What He Deserves

    Little sins are punished immediately and on location... in most of the cases :-)

  • Dodge Viper in der Rush-Hour

    5 von 5 Sternen (4.58)
    Funny Video : Dodge Viper in der Rush-Hour

  • BMW X5 richtig einparken

    5 von 5 Sternen (4.57)
    Funny Video : BMW X5 richtig einparken

  • Attack Of The Monster Seagull

    5 von 5 Sternen (4.69)
    Funny Video : Attack Of The Monster Seagull

    They are amongst us!

  • Dramatic Pron Fail

    5 von 5 Sternen (4.61)
    Funny Video : Dramatic Pron Fail

    A hilarious scene playing in a Swiss bus. She: "You are not serious, are you?", the camera man: "What is the problem?", she then: "It smells!"

  • Parkour Fails

    4 von 5 Sternen (4.01)
    Funny Video : Parkour Fails

    After almost 3 minutes of watching this I realize all my bones ar aching!

  • Dick Back?

    2 von 5 Sternen (1.69)
    Funny Video : Dick Back?

    This is a really hard bet. When rotating his arms he certainly looks like Propeller Man :-) from behind.

  • High Proof Parking Facility 2

    4 von 5 Sternen (4.17)
    Funny Video : High Proof Parking Facility 2

    Because some were complaining about the missing sound, here a clip that shows this incident, commented by the media and backed by some additional footage. Some likes to t...

  • Repost: A Matter Of Confidence

    5 von 5 Sternen (4.50)
    Funny Video : Repost: A Matter Of Confidence

    You just have to trust each other to let yourself fall openly.


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