Rollerblade Trick No. 9: Basecap Front Flip
Hat ein bisschen was von: Ich fahre jetzt mal volles Rohr auf die Rampe zu und schau was dann passiert. :-)
Drunk guys compilation
This video makes me wanna puke. Don't look at it if you feel sick very fast. :-)
A new species which eats splinters of conifer woods.
Proposal for a free day: Smoke
With a tank through the magic forest. ;-)
Miller - make it easy
If it has come this far, you should go to the blue cross. Or is this the self-help group? Anyways this reminds me ofthe photosmart-clip by HPlast year.
Plastic surgery
Men like it easy to handle!
Human beatbox how to
This is how you do it. All easy! :-)
Passport photographs for free
You have to put up with the photo box. Here is the first part of the photo box disaster.
It can be really painful to miss a step.
Bike race - domino
We could also call it bicycle-chain reaction. :-)
Doorframe jumper
In the next morning, the bad bad alcohol is the guilty party.
Effect of jumping jack
Obviously he was wrong. An accomplice is always helpful. :)