  • Watch out - flying deers

    4 von 5 Sternen (3.68)
    Movie : Watch out - flying deers

    How crazy is that. You drive along the highway and then...this. :-)

  • Ice skate-Downhill

    5 von 5 Sternen (4.68)
    Movie : Ice skate-Downhill

    Everytime you think all extreme sports exist - tada - there's a new one. I hope these guys are well cushioned.

  • Hamster on the run

    4 von 5 Sternen (4.42)
    Movie : Hamster on the run

    Will he get out?

  • HurdlingBarrier

    4 von 5 Sternen (4.47)
    Movie : <strike>Hurdling</strike>Barrier

    Mostly the runner wins, but sometimes the hurdle does.

  • Nut-rocket

    3 von 5 Sternen (3.16)
    Movie : Nut-rocket

    Was he surprised that this hurts?

  • Weightlifting and a roll forwards

    3 von 5 Sternen (2.68)
    Movie : Weightlifting and a roll forwards

    Some piss their pants , others do a roll forwards...

  • The ice-pant

    2 von 5 Sternen (2.00)
    Movie : The ice-pant

    A nice gimmick for those who "build a tent" very easily while laying at the beach. :-) In Germany, this model will not be a top-seller due to the temperatures.

  • The O.J.-guy

    3 von 5 Sternen (2.89)
    Movie : The O.J.-guy

    Total acceptance from the O.J.-guy.

  • Training for hunting dogs?

    4 von 5 Sternen (4.27)
    Movie : Training for hunting dogs?

    A basket case.

  • Frisbee-crash

    4 von 5 Sternen (4.44)
    Movie : Frisbee-crash

    Touch down!

  • First tattoo

    2 von 5 Sternen (2.11)
    Movie : First tattoo

    Beauty knows no pain. At least the tattoer has fun. :-)

  • Eight and a half...not more!

    2 von 5 Sternen (2.46)
    Movie : Eight and a half...not more!

    Well, as long as this vehicle is rolling...


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