Lucky Loser: Blind Drunk OnThe Metro Platform
Hinzugefügt 2009-11-27Children and Drunkards stay unharmed. But in this case just because of attentive persons on the platform. If she can remember that incident, she might feel that feeling ... (mehr)
Woodpecker Vs Monster Worm
Hinzugefügt 2009-11-27This pecker got the wrong door number? Or is he just megalomaniac? (mehr)
Brüderle vs Schäuble
Hinzugefügt 2009-11-22(mehr)
Polish Commercial - Director's Cut
Hinzugefügt 2009-11-21This is typical. Things to be concealed in television's advertising. (mehr)
Parrot Plush Bunny Flirt
Hinzugefügt 2009-11-11This bunny is obviously his favourite plushy. (mehr)
Hinzugefügt 2009-11-04Auch bei Katzen gilt: Immer einen kühlen Kopf bewaren! (mehr)
Swine Flu Journalism
Hinzugefügt 2009-11-04What an classy action to show how homemade and embarrassing the whole swine flu scaremongering has become by this time. (mehr)
Hinzugefügt 2009-11-04To clarify this urine-madness: this old man was pissed by a football ground opposite his house, sued at law with the result of the council restricting the opening times a... (mehr)
The model and the catwalk
Hinzugefügt 2009-11-04In this case, we can call it spot landing. :-) (mehr)