Friday-Flash-Game Red Remover
The red stones you have to let fall. The green must not leave the screen.
Gravitee 2
Steer your intergalactic Golfball through several planet parkours. Each level offers its challenges.
This is the only Level
The game of the blue elephant has just one level. But with every play through some new and maybe challenging task occurs. Justt a tip, have a look at the current level na...
The Sunday Game: Click Play 2
And again your challange in these lovingly designed new levels is to find the Play Button. For all who don't know part 1, here the link: Click Play
Take It Literally
Only who thinks laterally, gets taken to the next level.
Friday Flash-Game: Super Puzzle Plattformer
Heute präsentiere ich ein Maus-sensitives Hypnoseprogramm für Männer. Vorsicht! Es sind Einzelfälle bekannt, bei denen es zur spontanen Selbsthypnose kam und die opfer er...
Those of you who like half life are familar with the rules of the game. Opening the two portals you can go several ways to get trough a level. It takes a while to get fam...
Magic Pen
You need Flashplugin version 9. CONTROL: mouse Thx Otscho
Friday-Flash-Game: Little Wheel
One of the most atmospheric Flash Adventures I have seen in a long time. Some robot had messed up and cut off the line from the central power generator, responsible for "...
Tower Blaster
Stapelt die Steine in die richtige Reihenfolge. Die größte Zahl nach unten und die Kleinste nach oben. Der erste fertige Turm gewinnt.
Death vs Monstars
Und wieder einmal schaffe ich es nicht, euch diesen genialen Shooter bis Freitag vorzuenthalten. Cooler Sound, schöne Upgrades und ein moderat steigender Schwierigkeitsgr...