Friday-Flash-Game Red Remover
The red stones you have to let fall. The green must not leave the screen.
Friday-Flash-Game: Phage Wars
Pünktlich zur Grippewelle schlüpft ihr in die Rolle eines Virus und müsst euch gegenüber anderen Krankheiten behaupten. STEUERUNG: Maus
Sunday Game: Gibbets
Slightly macabre shooter with quite noble intentions. So save as many lives as possible!
Sunday Flashgame: Destructo Truck
Accelerate when green with the right mouse button. After that you can correct the trajectory slightly with the arrow keys. Have fun demolishing the town!
Friday-Flash-Game: Crush t. Castle Players Pack
You are allowed to catapult again. As in the first release you have to demolish medieval castles with catapults. Thx Rammstein4589
Friday-Flash-Game: Robokill 2
In the second part of the shooter you have to banish various sorts of alien creatures from the space bases.
Friday-Flash-Game: Shopping City
Do it better than the Acandor manager and make the shopping malls of the city burning. Little Tip: a ice cream stall sometimes does miracles!
Friday-Flash-Game: Icebreaker
Als Vikingergott wird euch die Aufgabe zu Teil, durch schneiden von Eisbblöcken und Seilen in Not geratene Vikinger auf ihr Boot zu befördern. Das Spiel kommt mit einer a...
Das Spiel zum Sonntag: Crush The Castle 2
Endlich ist es soweit: Neue Burgen, neue Auszeichnungen, neue Waffen. Legt mit eurer Schleuder alle Burgen und Verteidigungsanlagen in Schutt und Asche. Thx Damarus, Seph...
Friday-Flash-Game Splitter 2
After a couple of very intersting games dealing with physical simualations. Mostly by drawing shapes, which so become parts of the physical reality of the game level, you...
Friday Flashgame: BioGems
Cool animations, sound, powerups and enemies make the essence of this action-packed puzzle game. Choose a character to travel through space and beat some badies on your w...
Fly Hard
Für alle, denen bis zum Festtagsbraten langweilig ist, hier noch ein kleines Spiel zum Zeitvertreib.