Company of heroes
Company of Heroes THQ seems to dislike Electronic Arts. Nice easteregg! :-)
Building pit at the river
The word -quarry pond- gets a real new meaning.
Die Polizei
... dein Freund und Helfer. Sogar beim Bier öffnen leisten sie einem freundlich Hilfestellung. :-)thx micha
Heisse Törtchen
Sex sells, auch beim Konditor
Graffiti Evolution
This artwork took a lot of time... it seems that the Animation-Graffiti is from the same artist too.
Small worm
Living off the fat of the land...
G8-Gipfel - Thema Umwelt
Bäume können vielleicht nichr reden, aber ...
Donnerstag Fun PicDump #371 o
Donnerstag Fun PicDump #407
Bilder, zu denen man sich abends Geschichten am Kamin erzählt.
Donnerstag Fun PicDump #511
Bilder, die im Kleinhirn ganz groß rauskommen.
Parking in Italy
How do they get away then? Are there special time limits?
Swedish journal
"Fick" means lamp, doesn't it? So why does the woman have a microphone in her hand?
Thx Judith