Laut gedacht
Dieser Kondor wurde als Baby gerettet und großgezogen. Seinen Retter hat das Prachtexemplar nicht vergessen. Während der Flugrouten durch die Anden ist stets Zeit für einen kleinen Zwischenstopp um seine Dankbarkeit auszudrücken.
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habt ihr´s gehört? Family Guy - All "Bird is the word" scenes [HD] - YouTube
He aid ai bööörd.
Fake News! Edgardo is a Rancher in Loncopué, Argentina. He found the baby Condor, who he calls Condorito (a famous chilean comic book character) on his back yard a few miles away from where Condors live. Since a few months ago he has been nourishing him. He had the support of Local wildlife authorities that where monitoring this activity. A day back in march he came alone, with one of his legs injured and they have been taking care of him since then. He called the wildlife authorities and they told him that he was born around October of last year and he most likely had lost his parents. He knew that the bird had to learn to feed for himself so a when a few animals died on his property he left them there so the Condor could eat in the "wild" A few weeks ago he decided to share his adventure with a couple of friends and family with a video he sent on whatsapp. Edgardo said that the story that the Condor came flying to visit him is simply not true because the Condor was still a baby (nestling) and at the time of the video the Condor could not fly yet. He knows that people exaggerate specially after a story goes viral. As of this week the Condor has already began to fly, and he has began to come less and less to visit and that is what they were expecting and hoping for so he could join his natural habitat. Apparently some other national authorities are trying to take him to a proper place, but he says that the Condor is free where he is, and in his natural habitat close to where other Condors roam. Quelle: via
Ja. Hallo, wie gehts? Wie lange ist das schon her? Kommst du um uns zu grüßen? Hey, verrückter.....
Hier der Soundtrack dazu: Simon & Garfunkel : El Condor Pasa (1970) - YouTube
Hatte mich schon gewundert. Nur einmal mit Condor gefolgen und mich hätte es gewundert wenn sich dort jemals jemand bedankt hätte.
Endlich mal wieder ein Vogelvideo! Ich mag die kleinen Flatterer.
Ich bin auch immer gut zu Vögeln
Eine gute Vorlage. Hiermit entwertet.
Fahren Sie hier etwa mit entwerteter Vorlage? Das kost fuftsch Mark, junger Mann!
Kondor ruft um Hilfe! Und Rohan wird antworten. Die Heerschau soll beginnen!
Wie lang soll man no aweng her schaun?
Schauma mol.
anna kondor
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