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“Nicht da hin, das sind unberechenbare Tiere, die grundlos angreifen können!”
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Die Menschen müssen unglaubliche Angst gehabt haben! Man hört das Klicken der Gewehre, schlimm, dass die Munition alle war...
Oder die ham morgens aus versehen das Gewehr vom Spatzenjäger genommen.
Kauft Ripple! Morgen Abend 14:30 geht ne Party ab
In welchem Forum bist du unterwegs? reddit?
Wo sonst?!
Voll kacke! Handel war teilweise nicht möglich. Jetzt sind es - 25 % , aber morgen ja, morgen Hasan sicher! Dann geht’s ab
Wusstet ihr, dass durch die widerliche Wilderei Elefanten keine so großen Stoßzähne mehr ausbilden? Die "natürliche" Selektion der Wilderei hat dazu geführt, dass die Gene, die bei Elefanten zu besonders großen Stoßzähnen führt, ausgerottet wurde. Je kleiner die Stoßzähne, umso weniger interessant ist das Töten der Tiere für das Elfenbein. Fun fact am Rande: In manchen Ländern Afrikas werden Wilderer hingerichtet.
Firstly: ??????
Now, down to business.
You have just been thrusted into a once in a lifetime phenomenon. It’s public knowledge now that the covid pandemic has increased the wealth of the world’s top 10 billionaires by over 30% (around $1 Trillion) and that the crisis has led to the largest transfer of wealth from poor to rich since 2008. Where do these billionaires keep their billions you might ask? No, not their JP Morgan savings account. Their money is managed by investment banks and hedgefunds. These same firms (Citadel, Melvin, Viking etc..) are now losing billions (around $70 billion as of last week) trying to short companies (profit from their failure). They have not yet been successful.
The reason GameStop hasn’t dropped in price despite the hedgefund’s best efforts is because the majority of the shares have been bought by retail investors (the little guy- you and me) and the hedgefunds need us to sell them in order to buy and manage their short positions. The longer we hold out selling (and buy more), the more these hedgefunds will demand shares, pushing the price up (squeezing their short position).
The stock is at around $300 right now. The short squeeze HASNT EVEN HAPPENED YET. It’s realistic that the stock could go to $5000+ per share. If the GME short squeeze in proportion reached the same comparable levels as the VW Porsche squeeze, GME stock could reach $30k+ per share.
This is our chance to reverse the wealth transfer that’s taken place due to the pandemic (and even 2008), and also make a statement that times have changed and we won’t stand for billionaires profiting off the downfall of businesses and destroying the little guy (15,000 people are out of a job if the hedgefunds win and GameStop goes under- that’s 15,000 people who are potentially the only source of income for an entire family).
When all is said and done, ask yourself- what side of history do you want to have been on?
BUY. Every share not owned by the hedges loses them more money and drives the price up.
HOLD. They can’t cover if we don’t sell. This will also drive the price up.
BUY THE DIP. The stock will dip, this is natural and can be used to get in at a discount.
DONT SELL WHEN WE GET TO $1K+. It will be tempting, but you’ll kick yourself when it’s at $10k, $20k, $?k+
Do your own research, this is not financial advice, I am not an expert.
I. Just. Like. The. Stock ?
Edit- the short squeeze hasn’t* happened yet.
Der Mosquito bei 0:38. Ich liebe Winter. An dieser Stelle auch danke den anderen Jahreszeiten, find euch alle klasse!
Shout out an den warmen Frühling, du bringst echt das positivste aus uns allen raus.
...und kommt ruhig mal wieder vorbei!
its das jetzt ein Baby-Elefant, oder eine Elefantenbaby?
immer eine eleFantenlänge abstand! nIcht, dass dem viRus noch ein rüSsel wächsT.
sEhR SubTilER hinweis!
Ein so Fantastischer wie wÜrdiger sehR geil kommenTar!
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