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Diesmal wird Bad Lip Reading politisch. Mein absoluter Favorit - Neurochirurg Dr. Ben Carson
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Governor Mike Huckabee, how was your summer?
It was dope Like your pretty gelled head
Thank you I'm getting it permed
Hey, all you freaks are bozos But who's this Mindy?
Oh, an old friend actually, she's great
Okay, you HAVE to be joking She pooped on the treadmill!
Oooh Oh yeah, that's her
Governor Christie When you were younger, what was your favorite childhood snack?
I wanted, you know, I just wanted regular potatoes. But guess what, so did other people. I wanted it the most, so I'm like "I want it the most"
You just froze a baby! You just froze a baby.
I did not!
You touched a genital wart and you can't touch it!
Wait, hey, guys, guys, hey All right, enough
You're a wart toucher
Stop saying that!
Mr. Trump.
Well, I have a pigeon - Lucas Don Velour. I always take it shopping because I want to and because it's got health. Whatever, look - it's a thing the tuna melt does to me.
Uhh, Senator Cruz
You shouldn't say the "S-Word"
Well, we could just go out and collect a dead swan. And then I - well I will drink a sorority's goldfish.
Uh, moving on, let's hear from Dr. Carson.
Now, this piece, I think it goes like that. And then this one... No, this piece goes over here. It's part of the tree
AHHHH ahhh ahh! Umm, see, umm
What you working on?
A puzzle, umm I don't know how to do this actually
Hey, we can move one, and you're not missing any playtime.
Gover nor Bush
How would you get a dead mouse on crescent roll with some steak?
With some steak I would fork it. However, if a pittbull is loose in your house, then you'll find me stiff on the bed, 'cause I always throw up.
You'll have thirteen seconds to make a closing statement in the form of a short song. And Governor Christie, you're first.
Well, think about the time we bought you and ice-cream and a cookie. Rented that Lambo so we could go buy milk when we played hooky. That was our ride, we rode it around. Yeah mama, it was good Till we hit that boy in the pink golf shirt with the pepper-spray tan and he laid down on the concrete.
Senator Ted Cruz
Rabies and bunnies, let me think about it for a second over here. Hmm, first thing I need are two sticks and an I.V. and Then I can just dance in my little paper hat you bought me.
That's weird!
Senator Marco Rubio!
My father was a bald tiger (yes he was). And he took the bad guy walking in the sunshine. The pig intestine's about to drip. Me I just like to pound the shrimp. I own a parrot that doesn't drink.
Uh, Governor Kasich, how about you?
If Britain invaded us, you'd get a fancy mouth and you'd drink on the job every day, oh no. We could give 'em cheese. Or we could give 'em Christmas pants
Mr. Trump, closing statement song
I took Johnny's pogo. kid, I pogo greater. They got five of the meaner reindeers still sitting there waiting. We have a big bird walking in the jungle crying in a tree. Scoobidy dee, listen to me. Don't go around the tuna.
Governor Scott Walker
I might have a whiff, a whiff Yeah hoo-dee-doo. Why are dormant wives adorable? I might even have a piece of corn and I'm gonna make a fortune. Yeah, this beat's got me so baller now. That's right, see I can flow.
And now, Dr. Carson
Not ready.... Ohhh, here we go. I see one wittle wee-wee. Yeah, every mouse has a weenie. And if we could catch a little mouse man then we could see some little feet too.
Thank you
Also die Debatte im Video macht deutlich mehr Sinn als das Original.
Dieses Video ist lustiger wenn man im besitz einer amerikanischen Staatsbürgerschaft ist
Rassistisches Video!
"Now this piece.. I think it goes like that...and.. and this one.. oh this piece goes over's part of a tree!" - Dr. Ben Carson
haha :D ich lieg am Boden :DDDD
Word :D
chill du wasserbirne, warum englische videos
manche hier mögens…schuldigung.
Du kannst kein Englisch?
chill: damit sich hier die spreu vom weizen trennt
Amerikaner sind Spreu
ja, viele. aber es soll auch deutsche spreu geben. vor allem bestehend aus den leuten, die sich durch herabsetzung anderer selbst aufzuwerten versuchen. der ignoranzfaktor ist i d regel in etwa gleich hoch
Hab ich nie versucht. Mein Kommentar dient vielmehr der Belustigung auf Kosten anderer. Solange diese nicht krank oder behindert sind sollte das kein Problem sein. Deine psychosoziale Bewertung meines Kommentars wirkt eher wie gewollt und nicht gekonnt.
da fällt mir ein: esta verlängern. noch 13 tage bis texas
also dürfen wir in 2 wochen auch regelmässig mal firsten?
Carson ist der einzige gute, der Rest ist ... naja...
Dein Kommentar wartet deswegen jetzt auf Begutachtung. Falls alles in Ordnung sein sollte, wird er natürlich freigeschaltet.
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